Topic 2 Year 8 Religious Education 

Religious Education 
Topic  Created or chance?
No of lessons  12
When is it happening  Term 2 Year 8
What will students learn

Overarching question: Where do we belong?

Judaism, Christianity and Humanism.

Throughout this unit students will investigate beliefs about the origins of the universe. They should understand that for religious people, the world is evidence of a creator God and that this belief gives their life a sense of meaning and purpose. They should be able to make links between beliefs about a created world and a sense of religious duty to care for the environment. Pupils should be able to express their own beliefs and values about the origins of the universe and responsibility to the planet. Students will study William Paley and the Teleological argument as well as considering Humanist ideas through scientific explanations for the creation of the universe.


Students will also examine the Jewish community is a nation of people, brought together through their relationship with God and the Torah, and how the covenant is maintained and upheld even in the face of adversity. They will consider the possible difficulties for people of faith maintaining their trust in God in times of evil and suffering. Students will  look at how Judaism has survived a history of persecution, linking to the idea of being created  for a purpose as well as and what it means to be Jewish in the UK today.

Key Knowledge that students should know at the end of 'Topic' This is the knowledge that students will meet for the first time in this topic 

Students will explore beliefs about God as Creator and Sustainer.

The Cosmological Argument, differing attitudes towards interpretations of sacred texts.

Consider that there might be different kinds of ‘truth’

and that non-literal or spiritual truths do not need to

conflict with empirical ones.  Understand the debate between religion and science and that it is possible to believe in both in regards to creation.

Christian beliefs about stewardship and how these

beliefs might be put into action.

Students will explore a belief in a G-d who intervenes through people, patriarchs and prophets

An overview of the history of the Jewish people, the covenant, what this involves and differing views about the importance of the covenant in modern Judaism.

The importance of the Torah, as a history of the relationship between G-d and the Jewish people, and as a source of wisdom, guidance and comfort.

They will also investigate what it means to be Jewish today – and the diversity of Judaism in modern Britain.

This is knowledge that students may have met before but will need to deepen their understanding 

In Year 7 unit 2 students should have gained knowledge

about Jewish beliefs and teachings about belief in one G-d, the Shema, the Covenant, the Ten Commandments and the idea of Judaism as a ‘chosen people’.

Many will have a basic idea of the Christian creation

story, but will not be aware of different interpretations
Key Skills that students should be able to demonstrate at the end of 'Topic' This is the skills  that students will meet for the first time in this topic

Explain a range of beliefs, teachings and sources of wisdom and authority in relation to the creation of the world and Judaism.  Show understanding of religions and worldviews as coherent systems or ways of seeing the world

Evaluate a wide range of ways in which commitment and identity are expressed based on belief systems.

Interpret and respond to a range of beliefs, teachings and sources of wisdom and authority as coherent systems or ways of seeing the world.

This is skills that students may have met before but will need to develop  Explain and evaluate how and why individuals and communities express the meanings of their identity, beliefs and values in many different forms and ways of living.
Key vocabulary that students should know and understand

Intervene, Persecution, Diversity, Orthodox, Reform

Origins, Genesis, Sustainer, Cosmological, Stewardship, Patriarch, Prophet, Covenant, Torah


The Big Question  Created or chance?


 Key questions that students should be able to answer at the end of the 'Topic'

What are the different types of truth?
Can you believe in religion and science?
How was the world created?
How can I be a good steward?
Why is the Covenant important?
Is the covenant still relevant today?
Is Judaism diverse?
Who are the Jewish prophets?
Where was G-d during the Holocaust?