Topic 5 Year 8 Computing 

Topic  Boolean Logic
No of lessons  5
When is it happening  Year 8 Term 3
What will students learn Students will understand simple Boolean logic [for example, AND, OR and NOT] and some of its uses in circuits and programming. This topic will focus on the aspect of circuits.
Key Knowledge that students should know at the end of 'Topic' This is the knowledge that students will meet for the first time in this topic  Students can: define a circuit, identify devices which have circuits, explain why circuits are required, explain what a logic gate is and how they work i.e. receive, apply and output, identify three logic gates - AND, OR, NOT, be able to produce for each logic gate the truth table and logic diagram, interpret a logical statement for multiple logic gates and produce the truth table and logic diagram
This is knowledge that students may have met before but will need to deepen their understanding  Students will have covered Boolean Operators i.e. AND, OR, in the Programming Fundamentals units. Also, they have knowledge of Binary, 0 and 1, and how computers use to communicate, from previous unit, Data Representation 1.
Key Skills that students should be able to demonstrate at the end of 'Topic' This is the skills  that students will meet for the first time in this topic Students can implement and test single and multiple level logic gates' truth tables and logic diagrams on a package such as
This is skills that students may have met before but will need to develop  NA
Key vocabulary that students should know and understand

Circuit, NOT, Logic Diagram, Truth Table, Logical Statement

Digital Device, Binary, Boolean Operators, AND, OR, Symbol, Input, Output, Opposite, Combining, Single, Multiple, Bracket

The Big Question  How do computer circuits work?


 Key questions that students should be able to answer at the end of the 'Topic'

What is a computer circuit?
How can I combine logic gates to make complex logic gates?