Topic 5 Year 9 Mathematics 

Topic  Solving graphically
No of lessons  8
When is it happening  Term 1
What will students learn

Understand coordinates as solutions to linear equations, including intersections as simultaneous solutions.

Be able to solve simultaneous linear equations graphically .

Experience visualising trends in and intersections of linear equations.                 

Understand parallel lines have no solution as they do not intersect.

Be able to identify whether a pair of simultaneous equations have a  solution algebraically and graphically. 

Experience connecting graphical and algebraic representations of linear relationships.
Key Knowledge that students should know at the end of 'Topic' This is the knowledge that students will meet for the first time in this topic 

Students look at cases in which

addition and subtraction of linear

equations with 2 variables results in

the elimination of a variable. Students investigate how scaling can

help to force a matching absolute

coefficient, and use this to solve

simultaneous equations through

elimination of a variable .Students continue to practice solving

linear simultaneous equations. The

rearranging practice in Week 1 is used

to help organise and simplify the calculations. Students look at a new representation

for simultaneous equations – Venn

diagrams. Focus is drawn on the Students look at substitution between

equations as a means reducing the

number of variables.

relationship between the intersection

of the Venn and the algebraic solution. Students solve simultaneous

equations through substitution to

remove a variable. Two methods are

looked at but rearranging is not necessary. Rearranging before substituting, or

rearranging allow simpler substitution

is looked at as a specific focus. Students consider when equations

hide within each other and how

substitution can be used more flexibly
This is knowledge that students may have met before but will need to deepen their understanding  Angles are revisited and defined as a measure of turn. Rays are used to emphasise the irrelevance of the length of the ‘sides’ to the size of the angle. Formal notation and congruence are introduced.
Key Skills that students should be able to demonstrate at the end of 'Topic' This is the skills  that students will meet for the first time in this topic Finding the roots of an equation
This is skills that students may have met before but will need to develop  Reading graphs
Key vocabulary that students should know and understand
The Big Question  Can you solve simultaneous equations graphically?


 Key questions that students should be able to answer at the end of the 'Topic'

Can you understand how linear equations are represented graphically?
Can you find solutions (coordinates) for linear equations arranged in various ways?
Can you estimate or find solutions to simultaneous linear equations from graphs?
Can you visualise linear relationships?
Can you identify the intersections of a pair of lines on a graph?
Can you identify whether a pair of lines are parallel from their equations?
Can you find solutions to simultaneous inequalities graphically?
Can you identify from a graph whether a pair of simultaneous equations have 0, 1 or multiple solutions?