Topic 2 Year 7 French 

Topic  Where I live
No of lessons  30
When is it happening  Term 2 Year 7
What will students learn Students will develop their vocabulary to include a wider range of verbs in the 1st person and vocabulary about where they live. They will be able to give simple opinions.
Key Knowledge that students should know at the end of 'Topic' This is the knowledge that students will meet for the first time in this topic  Where you live, describing your town, house and room, using 1st person verbs to describe what you do at home, using adjectives to describe where you live.
This is knowledge that students may have met before but will need to deepen their understanding  Students will have knowledge of adjectives to describe themselves and use to describe where they live. Students will have knowledge of il y a that they can use to describe what there is where they live.
Key Skills that students should be able to demonstrate at the end of 'Topic' This is the skills  that students will meet for the first time in this topic Be able to express opinions and give reasons. Understand a wider range of question words. Students will learn a wider range of question words. Students will develop an understanding of adjective endings.
This is skills that students may have met before but will need to develop  Use knowledge of phonics to develop the accuracy of pronunciation.  Students will be able to use a wider range of verbs.
Key vocabulary that students should know and understand Vocabulary on countries, areas to live, rooms in a house, things in a bedroom, activities at home, prepositions and places in town.
The Big Question  Tu aimes où tu habites?


 Key questions that students should be able to answer at the end of the 'Topic'

D'où viens-tu?
Où habites-tu?
Quelle est ton adresse?
Comment est ta maison?
Quelles pièces y a-t-il?
Que fais-tu chez toi?
Qu'y a-t-il dans ta chambre?
Ou est-il/elle?
Comment est ta ville?
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ta ville?